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What is this Cattle Breeding Democs Game about?

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Download the Cattle Breeding Democs Game

Click on How to Download the Cattle Breeding Democs Game

Filling in your Outputs on-line

Click on Filling in your Outputs on-line : Cluster Cards, Voting Sheets, Group Feedback Form

Want to Play it Again? : Extra Cards

Click on Extra cards for repeat games

Cattle Breeding Game in Other Languages

The game is written in English, but recognising that discussion works best in your 'mother tongue'. a Finnish version of the Cattle Breeding game is also available, it is also being translated into French and German. For more information, contact us by email.

What is a Democs Game?

Democs is a conversation card game, a group discussion method based around cards. The kit is made up of several different types of cards, with information, issues and stories about the topic. Players get hands of cards and take turns to play them. But instead of playing to win, they are playing to learn about an important new issue and form their opinions about it. At the end of the game, the players get to give their opinions, and vote on issues or policy options. Democs was first devised in 2001 by Perry Walker of the New Economics Foundation (nef), and the game concept has been widely used for many different issues from cloning to climate change and in many different languages.

Democs is designed to be played anywhere, by anyone. All you need is a kit, about six to eight people (though you can play with more or less), a table and an hour and a half to two hours. You don’t need to know anything about the topic to run a game and the rules are simple and easy to understand.

If you want to get a better idea what a game is all about, read more here How does a Democs Game Work? , or download the BovReg Cattle Breeding Democs Game Instruction Booklet pdf file for the Cattle Breeding game. The game has been written and developed jointly by Edinethics director Dr Donald Bruce and Dr Ann Bruce, senior lecturer in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh.

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